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Israeli's make water out of thin air

Israeli's make water out of thin air

Israeli tech firm, Watergen, makes Time Magazine's list of 2019 top 100 inventions for machine that daily turns air into gallons of drinkable water. 8 other Israeli inventions make the list also. Photo: Watergen. Source below

Hebrew U finds Alzheimer's vaccine clue

Hebrew U finds Alzheimer's vaccine clue

Hebrew University researchers discover that a TB vaccine may be able to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Photo: iStock Source below

Gaza Rocket Shard Jewelry

Gaza Rocket Shard Jewelry

An Israeli couple living in a border community near Gaza are turning rocket shards into stunning jewelry, transforming objects of hate into beautiful works of art, symbolizing the strength and resilience of the Jewish people.

IAF Chopper on Fire-All Saved

IAF Chopper on Fire-All Saved

An Israeli Air Force pilot miraculously lands a helipcopter after it bursts into flames in mid air and practically disintegrates. All 14 soldiers on board escaped without harm. Photo: תיעוד מבצעי כבאות והצלה

45,000 Visit Cave of Patriarchs

45,000 Visit Cave of Patriarchs

A record crowd of 45,000 spent Shabbos in Hebron by the Cave of the Patriarchs to honor the Chayei Sarah Torah portion that commemorates Sarah, the wife of Abraham. The Torah portion details Abraham's purchase of the cave as his family burial plot. Photo: Yeshiva World News

Israel to Make Honey Without Bees

Israel to Make Honey Without Bees

As the global bee population declines, Technion university students in Israel are working on making honey in a lab, without bees. The nutritional value of the synthetic honey would be the same as natural honey. Photo: PollyDot-Poly D Pixabay

Dubai 2020 Expo is bridge for Israel

Dubai 2020 Expo is bridge for Israel

The 2020 World's Fair to take place in Dubai gives Israel a chance to showcase its technological, scientific and agricultural innovations to 25 million visitors. Photo: AP

First Vilna Gaon Lithuanian coin

First Vilna Gaon Lithuanian coin

Lithuania is issuing its first ever euro coin with a Hebrew inscription to mark “The Year of the Vilna Gaon and the History of the Jews of Lithuania.” Photo: ynet news.

Amazing rocks from Mt. Sinai

Amazing rocks from Mt. Sinai

Did G-d imprint the rocks of Mt. Sinai with the image of a bush to commemorate Moses' encounter with the burning bush? A legend or possible Midrash says He did. Read more about the fascinating story of the Sinai stones. Photo by Elio Giroletti

Holocaust Miracle Story

Holocaust Miracle Story

Rav Moshe Kormornick relates a powerful story. When a train filled with a large transport of Jewish prisoners arrived at one of the Nazi killing centers, many Polish non-Jews came out to watch the Jews being taken away. A Nazi officer in charge called out to the villagers...

Kids get free medical care in Israel

Kids get free medical care in Israel

Last year, 250 children from third world countries received free health care in Israel, including heart surgery and other life-saving procedures.

Firebomb victim sees miracles

Firebomb victim sees miracles

After almost dying from being severely burned in an Arab firebomb attack riding home with her father, 11-year-old Ayala Shapira is improving. Her mother considers her daughter's recovery to be miraculous, encouraging all to continue to pray for Ayala bat Ruth's healing. SOURCE BELOW Photo: INN: Family

2,000 year old tradition rekindled

2,000 year old tradition rekindled

Hundreds in the Old City of Jerusalem witnessed the historic lighting of a menorah using pure olive oil made to the precise specifications as the oil used to light the menorah in the ancient Jewish Temple 2,000 years ago. SOURCE BELOW Photo: Temple Institute

Great miracles are happening here

Great miracles are happening here

The miracles of the Maccabees were "in those days and in our times." No matter how much they try to annihilate us. Guest Chanukah Blog by Rochel Sylvetsky CLICK READ MORE BELOW Photo: INN Morasha

Fighting Darkness with Light

Fighting Darkness with Light

A deeply inspiring Chanukah message for our times from Charlie Harary and SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO

Alan Gross freed from Cuba prison

Alan Gross freed from Cuba prison

Alan Gross - a US contractor jailed in Cuba since 2009 - was released from prison by the Cuban government on humanitarian grounds at the request of the United States. The 65 year old Gross was sentenced to 15 years in prison in Cuba in 2011 after being convicted of "acts against the independence or territorial integrity of the state" for allegedly distributing communications equipment as a contractor for USAID. Photo: Reuters SOURCE BELOW

Major gas field discovered in Israel

Major gas field discovered in Israel

A new natural gas field discovered 90 miles off Israel's coast could be the third largest in the country, containing about 3.2 trillion cubic feet of gas. According to Israel Opportunity CEO Eyal Shuker, the find lends further credence to the belief that the eastern Mediterranean is full of natural gas, and that oil may yet be discovered in the region. Photo: Flash 90 SOURCE BELOW

Man stabbed-miraculously saved

Man stabbed-miraculously saved

A man standing at the Gush Etzion junction was stabbed by a female terrorist but sustained only minor injuries. "I didn't feel that it was a knife, it felt more like a 'dry' (unarmed) blow," said Josh Yehoshua Lorech. "It's unbelievable, it's simply a miracle. It was simply a miracle, may G-d's name be praised."

Secular town's mikveh usage triples

Secular town's mikveh usage triples

Three times as many secular women are using the mikveh in Barkan, a non observant town in Samaria. The mikveh was recently renovated by the Religious Council in Samaria, Other communities also saw increases after mikveh renovations. "There appears to indeed be some section of the population that is prevented from the mitzvah (commandment) of immersion because of the lack of comfort or aestheticism in the immersion, and not because of faith," remarked Council head Moshe Cohen.

Doctors amazed at Glick's recovery

Doctors amazed at Glick's recovery

Almost one month from the time Rabbi Yehuda Glick was rushed to Jerusalem's Shaare Zedek Medical Center with critical wounds to his lung, abdomen, throat and hand, he is being released as a result of what his doctors are calling a miraculous recovery. The Temple Mount activist was shot at point blank range by a terrorist attempting to assassinate him. Doctors have been amazed at the speed and extent of his recovery. Photo: SHAARE ZEDEK MEDICAL CENTER SOURCE BELOW

Israel co invents 3D body scanner

Israel co invents 3D body scanner

The Israeli high tech company, RealView Imaging Ltd., has developed a real time 3D holographic display and interface system doctors can use to "see" into the body in a way never possible before. RealView has recently completed a $10 million investment round led by Chinese firm LongTec China Ventures. The 3D hologram of the patient’s anatomy appears “floating in the air” and enables doctors to interact with it either by stylus or with their hands. Photo: Real View SOURCE BELOW

Imagine US intermarriage at 6%!?

Imagine US intermarriage at 6%!?

94% of Russian American Jews who participated in an educational program called RAJE--Russian American Jewish Experience--and who got married since taking part in the RAJE program, married a Jewish spouse – a significantly higher percentage than the entire American Jewish population. Photo Yossi Aloni SOURCE BELOW

Israel: 38th most prosperous country

Israel: 38th most prosperous country

The 2014 Legatum Global Prosperity Index now lists Israel as the 38th out of 142 most prosperous countries in the world, moving up from number 39 last year. The index defines prosperity in terms of wealth and well-being. Other categories examined included education, social capital, health, personal freedom, governance, economy, entrepreneurship and opportunity, and safety & security. Norway ranked number one. The U.S. was listed tenth. Photo: Flash 90 SOURCE BELOW

Israeli tech helps Ebola vaccine

Israeli tech helps Ebola vaccine

The Israeli company, CollPlant, pioneered the large-scale production of human cells in tobacco plants--the technology involved with the development of Zmapp, the tobacco-synthesized “cocktail” being developed by several American companies as the most promising Ebola vaccine available. Currently, there is a shortage of Zmapp doses. CollPlant is ready and willing to assist in any way if approached. Photo: Courtesy SOURCE BELOW

Man miraculously escapes Arab attack

Man miraculously escapes Arab attack

A Jewish driver riding through his Mount of Olives neighborhood in Jerusalem was ambushed by a mob of Arabs who destroyed his windshield in a hail of stones and would have sought his life had he not escaped "by a miracle." SOURCE BELOW

U.S. day school enrollment up

U.S. day school enrollment up

The number of students enrolling in Orthodox Jewish day schools in the U.S. has risen by 12% in the past five years, according to a new census of Jewish day schools. Enrollment in non-Orthodox day schools has dropped by 7%, however. Photo: Ohr Chadash Baltimore SOURCE BELOW

Peru foils plans to attack Israelis

Peru foils plans to attack Israelis

A terrorist member of Hezbollah's international arm was planning to attack and murder Israeli or Jewish targets in Peru, especially at popular locations where Israeli tourists gather. Peruvian security officials arrested the terrorist after intelligence information revealed his deadly plots. Security sources added that he had established a Hezbollah terror cell in the country. Photo: Yossi Zamir/Flash 90 SOURCE BELOW

4,600 women make challah in Miami!

4,600 women make challah in Miami!

As part of the worldwide Shabbos Project, a record 4,600 women came together to make challah on October 23, 2014 at the Miami Beach Convention Center. Over 1,200 women made challah together in Baltimore, MD on the same evening. Many thousands of women participated in similar events throughout the world on the Thursday evening before the 'Keeping It Together' Shabbos organized by the South African-based Shabbos Project.

Surge in U.S. Jews keeping kosher

Surge in U.S. Jews keeping kosher

American Jews born after 1980 (Milennials) are keeping kosher at twice the rate of their parents' generation, according to the 2013 Pew Research Center Survey. For many young Jews, keeping kosher is about values, identity and roots. The upsurge has increased the number of high-end kosher restaurants in large U.S. cities. Photo: Mason and Mug Restaurant SOURCE BELOW

Negev to get $13.2 million in aid

Negev to get $13.2 million in aid

Southern communities in Israel hard hit by this past summer's Gaza conflict will receive 50 million NIS in aid ($13.2 million) from the Jewish Agency to help rebuild after sustaining billions of dollars in damage over the 50-day duration of Operation Protective Edge.

Tombstones used for roads returned

Tombstones used for roads returned

After decades of desecration, Jewish tombstones taken to pave roads by the Nazis and build walls by the communists are being returned to their rightful place in Warsaw Jewish cemeteries.

Iran nuke facility blast-sabotage?

Iran nuke facility blast-sabotage?

A new report indicates that the massive explosion at Iran's top-secret Parchin nuclear facility last Monday may have been an act of remote control sabotage involving a chemical explosion. Photo: Reuters SOURCE BELOW

Call center saves family from mob

Call center saves family from mob

Israeli police emergency call center saves a family that made a wrong turn and almost ended up in Ramallah, facing potential lynching or kidnapping.Police successfully guided the family out of danger. Photo: Flash90 SOURCE BELOW

Mitzvah-cycle brings Sukkot to Jews

Mitzvah-cycle brings Sukkot to Jews

Chabad's "Mitzvah-cycles" are bringing the holiday of Sukkot to Jews worldwide. The sukkah-fitted pedi-cabs are currently in use in Canada, Denmark, England, Australia, Holland and France, as well as in 14 states in America. Photo: SOURCE BELOW

# of immigrants breaks 5-year record

# of immigrants breaks 5-year record

Last year, some 24,800 immigrants from around the world came to Israel, about 28% more than the previous year. Most of the new olim came from France. The increase broke a five-year record and is in part attributed to the growing worldwide anti-Semitism and the Ukraine crisis. Photo: ICEJ Staff SOURCE BELOW

Torah dedicated to thank IDF

Torah dedicated to thank IDF

To acknowledge and thank the IDF Nahal Brigade for their bravery and sacrifice, the Leo V. Berger Fund donated a Sefer Torah to the Nahal training base near Arad. The Torah was taken on a joyous procession around the base before it was placed in its new home in the ark of the base's synagogue. Photo: Courtesy of IYIM SOURCE BELOW

Rosh Hashanah Baby Boom of births!

Rosh Hashanah Baby Boom of births!

This Rosh Hashanah, four times as many women gave birth than average at the Maayanei Yeshua hospital in Bnei Brak, Israel's third largest hospital for delivering babies. The spike in births breaks all previous records for deliveries during the two-day Jewish New Year. The record for babies delivered by Hatzalah EMTs in Israel was broken as well over the holiday. Photo: Flash 90 SOURCE BELOW

Attendance up at Israeli synagogues

Attendance up at Israeli synagogues

Synagogue attendance is expected to grow in Israel over the High Holidays. Many believe a spiritual awakening is bringing Israelis back to the synagogue as a result of the kidnapping of the three Israeli teens and Operation Protective Edge. Photo: Ohad Gado SOURCE BELOW

IDF holiday services demand way up

IDF holiday services demand way up

The demand for high holiday services at IDF bases is at its highest level in IDF history. So many soldiers want to attend synagogue services on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur that the army is asking for volunteers to help fill the record-setting need for cantors, Torah readers, shofar blowers, rabbis and others to lead the prayer services at bases throughout the country. Many attribute the huge increase to experiences soldiers had during Operation Protective Edge. SOURCE BELOW

Vineyard harvests double crop

Vineyard harvests double crop

The Barkan winery near Jerusalem is reporting an amazing phenomenon with this year's crop. Despite the dry, drought conditions of this past winter, normally damaging to most grape vines, Barkan's vineyard has produced a DOUBLE crop just in time for Israel's "Shmitta year" coming this Rosh Hashana. Torah-observant farmers observe the commandment to let the land lay fallow once every seventh year, trusting that G-d will provide a double crop in the year preceding the Shmitta year. SOURCE BELOW

Oldest Jewish prayer book revealed

Oldest Jewish prayer book revealed

For the first time since its discovery, the public will be able to see the world's oldest Jewish prayer book (siddur) now on display at the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem. The 1,200 year old 50-page siddur dates from the first half of the ninth century C.E., the period of the Babylonian Gaonim (great religious leaders). The book contains the morning service, liturgical poems and the Haggadah read at the Passover seder meal. Photo: Ardon Bar Hama/Courtesy of the Green Collection SOURCE BELOW

Ax murder spree attack prevented

Ax murder spree attack prevented

An Israeli Arab planning to kill IDF soldiers in Jerusalem with an ax was discovered and arrested by border police at a checkpoint on the way to Jerusalem. Photo: Flash90 SOURCE BELOW

Terror attack foiled in Samaria

Terror attack foiled in Samaria

An Arab taxi driver attempted to run over a group of IDF soldiers on the road near Ariel in Samaria. The soldiers chased down and apprehended the driver who was subsequently arrested by police. No injuries were reported. Photo: Flash 90 SOURCE BELOW

Holocaust Torah "rescued" in Poland

Holocaust Torah "rescued" in Poland

An antique Torah scroll hidden since the start of WWII was recently discovered in a Polish couple's home under their sofa. The large scroll was given to the couple by their Jewish neighbors to safeguard until it could be transferred to another Jew. Not realizing the holiness of the Torah scroll, its non-Jewish temporary owners used parts of it as cleaning material and for shoe insoles. The scroll is now in Israel undergoing restoration. Photo: Mi'amakim SOURCE BELOW

Syrian boy on donkey seeks med help

Syrian boy on donkey seeks med help

A wounded 12 year old boy from Syria was put on a donkey by his brother and taken to an IDF border post hoping to get medical help in Israel. IDF soldiers transferred the boy to the Ziv Medical Center in Safed where he is now receiving treatment for serious wounds in his arms and legs sustained near Damascus. The boy also lost his vision during the attack. Dr. Alexander Lerner believes he will be able to walk again, despite the severe injuries. Photo: Courtesy of Ziv Hospital SOURCE BELOW

El Al plane lands with one engine

El Al plane lands with one engine

Ben Gurion International Airport declared an emergency situation after an El Al plane's engine malfunctioned shortly after takeoff, forcing an emergency landing with only one engine. The plane, destined for Toronto, landed safely and none of its 194 passengers on board were harmed. Photo: Flash 90 SOURCE BELOW

Driver saved from rock attack

Driver saved from rock attack

A woman driving towards Jerusalem was attacked by Arab teenagers throwing rocks. A large rock struck the middle of her windshield but was stopped from going into the car's interior by the dashboard. The woman escaped unharmed. SOURCE BELOW Photo: Yiska Hetzroni

Kids sports program promotes peace

Kids sports program promotes peace

The Sports for Peace program brings Israeli & Palestinian children together to play soccer after school. Kids from Gaza-border communities joined with Palestinian children from the West Bank for the season's first training session. One of the Palestinian coaches said: "Our children think only of soccer, they love to play soccer – they don't care if it is with Jews or non-Jews. They are kids and all they care about is living together in peace--that's what they want." SOURCE BELOW Photo: Roi Idan

1000's observe rare Jewish mitzvah

1000's observe rare Jewish mitzvah

Considered an unusual event, the birth of a firstborn donkey foal gave Orthodox Jews in Israel the opportunity to perform the rare mitzvah of redeeming a firstborn donkey. Thousands of people, including two of Israel's foremost spiritual leaders, witnessed the unusual ceremony. Organizers of the event said that special virtues are attributed to the firstborn donkey redemption mitzvah, and that the recent war served as a catalyst for the rare ceremony. SOURCE BELOW Photo: Yaakov Cohen

Group turns BDS into BSD

Group turns BDS into BSD

With one member pledging over $3.7 million in business, South African Zionists form BSD Israel – an organization committed to spreading the message of “Buy, Support and Develop” Israel. SOURCE BELOW

"Lost tribe" continues its return

"Lost tribe" continues its return

Since 2005, Israel has absorbed members of an ancient people from Manipur India who claim to be descendants of the lost tribe of Menashe. Recently, another wave of immigrants made aliya (returned). Although their origins are disputed by some, all the "Bnei Menashe" (children of Menashe) have agreed to an Orthodox conversion after their arrival. SOURCE BELOW Photo: Gettyimages

Arabs save Israelis in car attack

Arabs save Israelis in car attack

An Israeli couple and their baby daughter were rescued by residents of a West Bank Arab village after their car was attacked by rock-throwing Palestinians. The husband, who was driving, was injured in the assault. SOURCE BELOW

Miracle Stories

Everyday, more amazing miracle stories are being revealed as soldiers and civilians share their experiences. Click for the latest reports on how G-d is doing miracles for Israel and the Jewish people.

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One Family
One Heart

Since the kidnapping of 'our three boys,' the Jewish people have come together in an outpouring of unity and love unlike anything we've seen in our lifetime. Click to explore ways to strengthen and expand that tremendous feeling of being one family with one heart.

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Photo by Shalomis Koffler Weinreb

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